Vancouver Airport International
Vancouver Airport International
Car rental
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Flying out of Vancouver or waiting for a connecting flight? Use the online schedule to find the details about the time when your plane is plane taking off, the airline, operating the route and its status.
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Time | To | Flight | Airline | Terminal | Status |
Haven’t you found the departure flight you were looking for? Here is a list of flights departing from Vancouver - Airport International in particular time periods:
Also, you can find the information about the same flight that was scheduled for yesterday or will depart tomorrow.
Afraid to miss your departure? Try out the free updates system that will allow you to enjoy the shopping times without monitoring the schedules.
Just enter your email and flight number into the box, and you will receive immediate notifications about any changes. Delays, cancellations or gate changes - we've got you covered!
Subscribe to follow up your flight details
Lost in gates? Open up the map of Terminal I at Vancouver Airport International to familiarize yourself with the building structure and its facilities for easy navigation.
After the check-in, you will probably have plenty of time to spend at Vancouver Airport International. Explore the full list of amenities at YVR and enjoy your time before the flight!